Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gay teacher fired after trying to get married.

Michael Griffin had been teaching at Holy Ghost Prep School for 12 years teaching French and Italian. Students loved him, said he led trips to France and was a great teacher. But when he announced that he would be getting his marriage license with his long time partner, the school President Father James McCloskey said he would be fired for it.
Griffin said that administration knew that he was Gay, but when he emailed McCloskey he let him know that since it would now be public, he would be terminated, and says he was shocked by this revelation.
"He said… 'if you go through with that I have no other choice but to fire you,'" Griffin said of the ultimatum issued by Holy Ghost McCloskey. "I was in shock, I had no forewarning.
Sam-Sex discrimination is an issue that has also come up in Arizona as the Mayor recently vetoed a law that would have allowed companies to discriminate against gays and other who did not “fall in line with their religious beliefs” Here is what the school had to say.
"Unfortunately, this decision contradicts the terms of his teaching contract at our school, which requires all faculty and staff to follow the teachings of the Church as a condition of their employment," McCloskey said in the statement. "In discussion with Mr. Griffin, he acknowledged that he was aware of this provision, yet he said that he intended to go ahead with the ceremony.
Regretfully, we informed Mr. Griffin that we have no choice but to terminate his contract effective immediately."
 In my opinion focusing on peoples differences and trying to make them feel bad or unwanted doesn’t reflect the values of any religion. If these people spent more time teaching about God’s love and less about what the bible says not to do, as if they have a sin-less slate so many issues would be eliminated. But on the other hand I can understand why the Catholic school took action since they are an all boys catholic school, and many parents could have been outraged if this information was reveled. But if Griffin really is such a great teacher, he will not have trouble finding a job at another school. He has not decided whether to meet with a lawyer about this termination yet.

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