Ever since the beginning of time sources have been
predicting the end of time. From The Myans prediction of 2012 doom, the Y2K
scare when technology was supposed to go haywire, and then there was that one
time in 2011 when 89-year-old Preacher Harold Camping predicted that the world
will end May 21 at 6pm to be exact.
While Hollywood has made a market for dooms day films countless
times and in various ways many people can actually get wrapped up in some of
these theories that have little to no truth in them, even going as far as
quitting their jobs to prepare.
But this time the news of our demise, specifically the demise
of the western culture, comes from a more credible source, actual scientist at
NASA. The report, which was composed by Safa Motesharrei, an applied
mathematician for National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center who teamed
up with a group of natural and social scientist.
They put together their brain power, and if you ask me
simply took a look at the world around them and concluded that over consumption
of our natural resources and the large divide of the social classes will soon
lead to a Roman Empire type collapse of western culture and it may be coming
sooner than we think.
While I’m a firm believer that no one knows the time nor
the hour that the world will come to an end, I conclude that this report may
have some substance since it’s simply reinforcing the general overview that
many other scientist have been screaming at us for years.
What it sounded like to me is We are using too much, too
fast. and the people who really need it can’t have it, because the upper
echelon is hoarding it. It being the 5 factors these scientist say will lead to
our societal collapse; population, climate, water, agriculture
and energy.
“Economic growth is the biggest destroyer of the ecology. Those people who think you can have a growing economy and a healthy environment are wrong. If we don't reduce our numbers, nature will do it for us …everything is worse and we’re still doing the same things. Because ecosystems are so resilient, they don’t exact immediate punishment on the stupid.”- Neil Dawe a Canadian Wildlife Service biologist.
Opinions from the comments I reviewed at www.policymic.com vary, but many people seem to believe, "America is too big and powerful to fail." and are skeptical about this prediction. I hope their right,Because I don’t think I can afford the ticket for the special boat that takes us all to Africa, like how the movie 2012 ended. But I suppose they gave us a ride here on the “special boat” to America so they deserve the chance.
I’m not sure how it’s all going to erupt, but for some reason I think we may need to start caring a little bit more about what’s going on with our environment and our government before its too late.
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