Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Judge Joe Brown 5 day Prison Sentence!

Judge Joe Brown, 66, was arrested yesterday March 25, in Memphis after being held in contempt of court. Brown who was representing a client in a child support hearing challenged Magistrate Harold Horne who instructed the former TV courtroom star to stop talking five times to no avail. Brown continued to “go off the handle” stating that all they could get out of him was 10$, and that he would have the courtroom shutdown. The Judge sentenced Brown to 5 days in prison, one day for every count of contempt. But Brown was released shortly after with no bond and made a statement saying,
"I'm a little hot under the collar, but In 40 years, I've never seen such a circus as they've got down there.”
 The media as well as twitter went bananas over the story, with jokes like “Who sent Judge Joe Brown to jail? Was it Judge Judy or Judge Wapner?” but what caused even more frenzy, was the grim mug shot of Brown scowling at the camera. Which in my opinion just added to the bad publicity.
Judge Joe Brown’s television show was on air for 15 years, but was cancelled last year, and he is now running for District Attorney of Shelby County, where he was arrested in.
But this isn’t the first time Judge Joe Brown has been in the news for a rant. Last year in August the popular urban media site “World Star Hip Hop” released a video of Brown clearly drunk, on what he had no problem sharing was “a double shot of Bombay Sapphire.” In which he made the statement that “pretty girls are insecure, and easier to work with” in front of two women who he took pictures with and also told them that they were insecure, as well as saying that his wife age 50 was “somewhat insecure”, but proceeded to tell the girls that he needed a grand daughter or daughter in law like them because they were “young tender things.” Along with a few other unflattering scenes.
Watch Full Video Here worldstarhiphop.com
  It’s understandable to be a little drunk in public, but when you’re a public figure, especially if your running for District Attorney, you have to uphold your reputation and these incidents will not go unnoticed when his campaign picks up.
From the looks of things, it seems that Judge Joe Brown is on a bit of a power trip. His 15-year TV stint is over with, and now he needs to realize that he is back in the real world, and he cant just do and say whatever. His statement about pretty girls being insecure and easier to get to is a disturbing to me, from the man who’s opening said “protecting womanhood and promoting manhood”, where then does this easiness come into play and what are you doing to protect this? I’m not sure if I endorse this type of candidate to make decisions with my counties criminals, and something tells me this isn’t the last we’ll hear from Judge Joe Brown. What do you think?

Here's a Parody of the drunken scene by comedian Mike Epps.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Smile that Spread World Wide

Music is a huge part of every culture and society, and something that has been around for ages all the way back to the times that cave men probably banged rocks together in the original “Rock Band”. And though music can be a sweet escape of melody and sound, lately it hasn’t seemed to have much of a message. With Miley Cyrus tarnishing all our childhood memories, and songs that repeat the same idiotic hook over and over...and over again, it's easy to forget the power that music can have when done right. But everyone has seemed to fall in love with Pharrell’s song “Happy" with it’s upbeat tempo and wonderful lyrics about being happy and letting nothing get you down. The song has done well on the charts and gotten great reviews as well as having everyone dancing in their seats during Pharrells performance with Jamie Foxx, at the Oscars. The song was composed for Despicable Me 2 soundtrack, also appeared on Pharrell’s album “Girl”
The music video, which is “the first 24 hour music video” and can be found at 24hoursofhappy.com has 24 Videos at 4 minutes a piece for every hour of the day featuring reenactments of the song, featuring Pharell of course, along with some celebrity appearances including the famed yellow Despicable Me minions.
But one news story written by a blogger named Shan Wang, which draws attention to the song for more political reasons in what she calls the Surprising Protest Song of Our Generation.

"The movement started slowly — first it was the soundtrack to a video of people dancing joyfully in Paris. But then the song began cropping up in videos from countries in political turmoil. One came from the Philippines, a country still picking up the pieces from Typhoon Haiyan. Soon, one followed from Tunis, still reeling from the aftershocks of the Arab Spring. And then another from Moscow. While not a "protest" song in its traditional sense, Pharrell's "Happy" has taken on a politically charged meaning as an anthem of international resilience.”

She goes on to talk about the impact the song has head on in bringing the recent issues with the Ukraine to light by saying...

“It's crowning moment as an international protest anthem came late last month when two Polish filmmakers used it as a soundtrack to a viral video of violent clashes between Ukrainian citizens and government forces intercut with protestors in Kiev dancing. It is haunting to see protesters in Kiev dancing among barricades and answering frankly what would make them happy. "To be happy I need the Ukraine to be free," one woman answered.

It’s important that we applaud music that has a message, and the people who take the time to point it out to us. 

You can read more about Shan Wang, and the impact of the Happy song at policymic.com


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

NASA predicts It's all over soon for the USA

Ever since the beginning of time sources have been predicting the end of time. From The Myans prediction of 2012 doom, the Y2K scare when technology was supposed to go haywire, and then there was that one time in 2011 when 89-year-old Preacher Harold Camping predicted that the world will end May 21 at 6pm to be exact.

While Hollywood has made a market for dooms day films countless times and in various ways many people can actually get wrapped up in some of these theories that have little to no truth in them, even going as far as quitting their jobs to prepare.
But this time the news of our demise, specifically the demise of the western culture, comes from a more credible source, actual scientist at NASA. The report, which was composed by Safa Motesharrei, an applied mathematician for National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center who teamed up with a group of natural and social scientist.
They put together their brain power, and if you ask me simply took a look at the world around them and concluded that over consumption of our natural resources and the large divide of the social classes will soon lead to a Roman Empire type collapse of western culture and it may be coming sooner than we think.
While I’m a firm believer that no one knows the time nor the hour that the world will come to an end, I conclude that this report may have some substance since it’s simply reinforcing the general overview that many other scientist have been screaming at us for years.
What it sounded like to me is We are using too much, too fast. and the people who really need it can’t have it, because the upper echelon is hoarding it. It being the 5 factors these scientist say will lead to our societal collapse; population, climate, water, agriculture and energy.
“Economic growth is the biggest destroyer of the ecology. Those people who think you can have a growing economy and a healthy environment are wrong. If we don't reduce our numbers, nature will do it for us …everything is worse and we’re still doing the same things. Because ecosystems are so resilient, they don’t exact immediate punishment on the stupid.”- Neil Dawe a Canadian Wildlife Service biologist.
Opinions from the comments I reviewed at www.policymic.com vary, but many people seem to believe, "America is too big and powerful to fail." and are skeptical about this prediction. I hope their right,Because I don’t think I can afford the ticket for the special boat that takes us all to Africa, like how the movie 2012 ended. But I suppose they gave us a ride here on the “special boat” to America so they deserve the chance.

I’m not sure how it’s all going to erupt, but for some reason I think we may need to start caring a little bit more about what’s going on with our environment and our government before its too late.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gay teacher fired after trying to get married.

Michael Griffin had been teaching at Holy Ghost Prep School for 12 years teaching French and Italian. Students loved him, said he led trips to France and was a great teacher. But when he announced that he would be getting his marriage license with his long time partner, the school President Father James McCloskey said he would be fired for it.
Griffin said that administration knew that he was Gay, but when he emailed McCloskey he let him know that since it would now be public, he would be terminated, and says he was shocked by this revelation.
"He said… 'if you go through with that I have no other choice but to fire you,'" Griffin said of the ultimatum issued by Holy Ghost McCloskey. "I was in shock, I had no forewarning.
Sam-Sex discrimination is an issue that has also come up in Arizona as the Mayor recently vetoed a law that would have allowed companies to discriminate against gays and other who did not “fall in line with their religious beliefs” Here is what the school had to say.
"Unfortunately, this decision contradicts the terms of his teaching contract at our school, which requires all faculty and staff to follow the teachings of the Church as a condition of their employment," McCloskey said in the statement. "In discussion with Mr. Griffin, he acknowledged that he was aware of this provision, yet he said that he intended to go ahead with the ceremony.
Regretfully, we informed Mr. Griffin that we have no choice but to terminate his contract effective immediately."
 In my opinion focusing on peoples differences and trying to make them feel bad or unwanted doesn’t reflect the values of any religion. If these people spent more time teaching about God’s love and less about what the bible says not to do, as if they have a sin-less slate so many issues would be eliminated. But on the other hand I can understand why the Catholic school took action since they are an all boys catholic school, and many parents could have been outraged if this information was reveled. But if Griffin really is such a great teacher, he will not have trouble finding a job at another school. He has not decided whether to meet with a lawyer about this termination yet.